Southern Nevada Archaeology Speaker Series
Have you ever wondered about what local archaeological projects are going on around town? Or, how archaeologists do their jobs? To answer these and other questions the Southern Nevada Agency Partnership Cultural Resources Team (SNAPCRT) is sponsoring a lecture and workshop series for the public, Southern Nevada Archaeology Speaker Series. Topics will include laws that protect archaeological sites; Native American rock art; a flint knapping demonstration; and many more interesting subjects.
The Southern Nevada Agency Partnership Cultural Resources Team is an interagency group of archaeologists working together to share information, support local ongoing research, and ensures the preservation, conservation, and public education of heritage resources in Southern Nevada. The group is comprised of federal, state, and county professional archaeologists and museum representatives throughout Southern Nevada.
The Lost City Museum in Overton, Nevada and the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas are hosting the events beginning in February and going through November. All of the series events are on Saturdays from 2 pm to 4 pm and are free to members and to others with museum admission.
The series started at the Lost City Museum with Curator Mary Beth Timm talking about Moapa Valley Prehistory on February 10th, but don’t worry if you missed it, as there is another talk scheduled for April 14th. Lake Mead National Recreation Area Archaeologist, Christine Nycz, will recreate the process of researching historic roads in Moapa Valley. This presentation is a must for historians as Ms. Nycz describes archival research at Las Vegas area museums searching for the perfect map.
On March 3rd, the first talk in the series at the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas, located on the Springs Preserve campus, featuring Springs Preserve archaeologist Nathan Harper. Mr. Harper’s lecture, Going with the Flow: Archaeology and Preservation of Las Vegas Water Infrastructure is about the conservation and reconstruction of a large redwood pipe found on the property. The talk starts at 2 pm and is free for museum and Springs Preserve members with Springs Preserve admission.
Below is a schedule of the upcoming lectures, workshops, and one guided field trip to St. Thomas that begins at the Lost City Museum in Overton on October 20th. Our goal is to create a dialog between local researchers and the public about archaeological projects taking place in Southern Nevada.
For more information email Mary Beth Timm, Curator/Archaeologist